Solve Magento 2 Product Visibility Issues on the Category Page

There could be several reasons why a product is not showing on the Magento 2 category page. Here are some common issues and solutions:

  1. Product Visibility Settings:

    • Ensure that the product's visibility is set to "Catalog" or "Catalog, Search." If it is set to "Not Visible Individually," the product will not appear on category pages.

    • Check the status of the product; if it is disabled, enable it.
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  2. Stock Availability:

    • Make sure that the product is in stock. If the product is out of stock and you have configured Magento to hide out-of-stock products, it won't appear on the category page.
  3. Website and Store View Selection:

    • Verify that the product is assigned to the correct website and store view. If you have multiple websites or store views, the product might not show up if it's not associated with the current one.
  4. Category Assignment:

    • Confirm that the product is assigned to the correct category. Go to the product edit page and check the Categories tab to ensure it's associated with the desired category.
  5. Visibility Setting in Parent Categories:

    • Check if the parent categories of the product have their visibility set correctly. If a parent category is set to "Not Visible Individually," it might affect the visibility of the product.
  6. Cache Issues:

    • Refresh the cache in Magento. Outdated or corrupted cache can sometimes cause products not to display as expected.
  7. Reindexing:

    • Reindexing is essential for Magento to reflect changes. Reindex the product index by running the command php bin/magento indexer:reindex in the command line.
  8. Check for Custom Extensions or Themes:

    • If you have custom themes or extensions installed, they might be affecting the display of products. Temporarily disable them to see if the issue persists.
  9. Check for Errors in Logs:

    • Examine the Magento logs for any errors or exceptions related to the product or category. This can provide insights into the issue.
  10. Database Integrity:

    • Ensure the database is intact. Check for any inconsistencies or errors in the database that might be preventing the product from showing up.

By investigating these factors, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing the product from displaying on the Magento 2 category page.